Jay-Z summons Rihanna to New York
Rihanna is returning to the public eye with style following her alleged altercation with Chris Brown as Jay-Z had her make a visit to New York.
The Umbrella singer hit the Big on Friday night with Jay-Z and Beyonce and a group of friends.
And to avoid unwanted attention, the trio insisted staff at The Spotted Pig gastropub section off an entire floor for their use.
Said one source, “People love the Spotted Pig because it’s super laid-back, but it was far from it last night. Security was on red-alert, and you could tell they were under strict instructions to let them party in peace.”
The trio partied late into the night, but Rihanna’s primary purpose of the visit was to have a closed door meeting with Jay-Z earlier in the day. Said one industry insider, “Everybody know’s how close they are. I’m told they met for almost and hour and she told him everything…all the details.”
If only we could have been a fly on the wall in that room. We just hope she doesn’t put herself in a position to let history repeat itself.
How does it go, “‘Hit me once, shame on you. Hit me twice, shame on me.”
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who do they think they r remember we the public put u were u r as for rihanna sorry she deserves everything she gets got no respect left for her am in uk here and i dont think she got many followers here .she dont give autographs or aknowledge her fans !!!!