Lil Wayne is looking for a Prom Queen
In case you haven’t heard Lil Wayne’s venture into rock music. He’s your opportunity.
We don’t care for this song at all, but maybe you do…let us know what you think.
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hey wayne im hoping i could beeh your prom queen hahahaha holla bac!!!!!!!!330-849-9068 hahaha kay!!!!!!!!
's comment says
On March 4, 2009 at 1:05 pmWAYNE IS ABOUT TO SELL 10 ALBUMS WITH THIS ONE…
's comment says
On March 4, 2009 at 1:06 pm10 MILLION MY BAD…
i love the music but the vocals and the topic was not motivating for me at all. I say keep doing the rock thing if thats what you want to do but it takes time just like the art of rhyme took time. Cant expect it all to come over night even if you are a musical talent such as wayne.