Macbook broke…
We’ve all seen the new super-thin MacBook Air laptop that can fit into a paper sized envelope….well I guess Mr. Macintosh spent most of his money on making the laptop thin rather than secure….a hacker cracked the code in less than two minutes at the CanSecWest conference.
A MacBook Air laptop will run you at least $2,000….what ever happened to…”you get what you pay for”
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Maybe insider information? 2 minutes is ridiculous. Get it fixed …I still luv ya’ll.
Macbook broke… | MacBook - News and Info's pingback says
On April 4, 2008 at 8:29 pm[…] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptWe’ve all seen the new super-thin MacBook Air laptop that can fit into a paper sized envelope….well I guess Mr. Macintosh spent most of his money on making the laptop thin rather than secure….a hacker cracked the code in less than two … […]