Michael Jackson rejects Obama’s offer to perform at inauguration
The King of Pop was begged to perform by President-elect Obama.
The list of celebrities invited to the Obama inauguration is growing by leaps and bounds, but one name will be conspicuously missing from the line up. Reps for the Obama camp claim Michael Jackson was personally invited by Obama, but turned down the invitation.
Sources tell us that Obama “almost begged Michael” to attend but was unable to convince him. The refusal to attend the inaugaration lead many Obama organizers to speculate that Jackson is indeed ill, and his medical condition won’t allow him to perform to his high standards.
Said one Obama supporter, “Who turns down an invite from President Obama? You gotta’ be on your death bed”
Nevertheless, the show must go on and below are a few performers and celebrities proposed to be in attendance.
In the line-up: Stevie Wonder, Barbra Streisand, and Bruce Springsteen, will headline events around Washington.
The Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus will host a teen event sponsored by Disney.
Jay-Z will be the primary Hip Hop representative and also the largest gathering of them all.
Of course, there will be a well-spring of “unofficial” parties, but if you’re like most Americans, you’ll be watching it on TV.
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michael look bad in this pic.
Michael Jackson rejects Obama’s offer to perform at inauguration …'s pingback says
On January 7, 2009 at 12:39 am[...] original here: Michael Jackson rejects Obama’s offer to perform at inauguration … Tags: celebrity-photo, entertainment, gabrielle-union, gossip, halle-berry, hollywood, [...]
i dont think they begged mj to perform……
C’mon people..can’t you just leave this man alone??? you ALL want Michael to be ill!
Michael ..he’s fine but maybe he doesnt want to perform at the president gala …What’s so gay about that ?
Maybe is just the press …like always ..ppfff relax people if MJ is gonna do smt is gonna be huge and amazing without nobody’s help !
Hugs for Mikey !
couldn’t find a better pic of Michael :S
what an embarrasment to all the blacl folks around the world.anyway his a washed up star who has no money and the family now living off uk shows that i myself would be embarrased to be seen on.what a loser.
He is ashamed, He never knew a black man will rule the United States……
MJ would’ve stole the spotlight! lol
I wish Michael had performed for Obama, but I wish More that Obama had also invited Janet Jackson and the other Jacksons in his place. Maybe now they can all get Presidential Honors and Michael Posthumously.
i wish michael jacskon had [performed for obama ,,,but maybe he had some problem,,,as michael jackson is no more but his memory is still alive in the hearts of millions…millions of people around the world..michael is dead but his soul is alive forever and i wish all the dreams of MJ to come true ..he wanted to make this world a better place …thats true that MICHAEL JACKON is most most talented , famous singer , dancer & musician of ALL TIMES…
Michael had a sad life and I hope that the ultimate happiness he couldn’t get here on earth he will get in heaven.also please respect his accomplishments and stop trying to belittle him. He was a human being who had feelings and this isn’t the time to be hateful.in all actualality we created this man and when he didn’t live up to our standards we want to shone him. Please let him rest him rest in peace. Love you always michael rest in peace.
Said one Obama supporter, “Who turns down an invite from President Obama? You gotta’ be on your death bed”
I am not sure if MJ was invited by Obama but the person who posted that MJ would have stolen the spot light probably is correct. The past week has proven it.
Michael was watched on a regular basis that no matter what he did, it was going to be turned into something other than what it was meant to be. No wonder the man stayed into hidding. I feel like the media may have pushed Michael to the point of going into hideing and have to deal with prescribe drugs to help him deal with depression of not being able to go outside of his home without being attacked by people wanting something from him or to find something to talk about what he is doing. I although Michael is gone to a better place, his soul can’t rest because they way he is being treated by the media.
To the MEDIA, give him a break and let him rest in peace. If he didn’t preform for the President, he had his reason and that should be respected.
“Said one Obama supporter, “Who turns down an invite from President Obama? You gotta’ be on your death bed”” … Oh please!
One question: Are u sick? Who are you to play God?
Just because the greatest entertainer doesn’t feel like doing it, doesn’t mean that something is wrong man! Come on!
We all don’t feel like going to work sometimes for no reason, and we call in sick even tho we’re not…. It’s the same thing!
Man, you gotta stop stressin!
if it is thru that MJ rejects obama s offer to perform i inderstand he was ill. i love MJ . he was nice person whith sweet hart. i am begging everybody to let him rest. may allah receive MJ in safe place.
Yeah he didn’t seem very political to me
the nation of islam security-who was always following him around-telling him what he should do-told him he must not attend.
He sure got out to see Reagan back in the day though didn’t he?
I don’t think Obama wanted MJ anywhere near his Inaugural balls to be honest. I mean you can tell that Pres. Obama was only a fan of his early years. He didn’t want to release a statement about his death even. Yet, we’re supposed to believe he begged him to perform somewhere? LMAO! This was obviously a lie.
I think it was the other way around. MJ begged Obama to let him perform but Obama said “HELL NO!”
Michael Jackson ” THE MOST TALENTED MUSICIAN OF ALL TIMES ” deserves invitaion frm US PRESIDENT to honour that event ..it was so surprising that the man who won laurels for US was not present in inaugral function of Obama..
Michael jackson sang songs for world peace and deserves love & respect …as he is no more so WE , FANS OF MJ ACROSS THE GLOBE,dont want 2 see any more gossip against Mj…..
He must have had a good reason to decline because I saw on tv that he was very excited that Obama won the election.