Oh…Chris Brown to plea self-defense in court
Singer Chris Brown will reportedly plea self-defense in his court case, claiming Rihanna attacked him first.
The DA is planning to postpone Chris Brown’s case that was set for March 5th in order to gather up more evidence.
Sources claim Brown is already preparing for his defense: “Chris is already building his case. He’s saying she threw a cell phone at him, then hit him in the head and basically just lost it. He’s saying she provoked him.”
A statement from Los Angeles district attorney read, “If detectives determine they need more time they’ll set a new date for him (Brown) to come into court. He only has to come back if and when we file charges.”
Even if the self-defense technique holds up in a court of law…he’s going to catch hell in the court of public opinion. It’s starting to look more and more like Rihanna really did start this whole thing…does that change your perception?
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Chris Brown is light-skinned with a clear face so if she had TRULY harmed the boy, I think we’d see the case against her on his face!!! JohnJohn please… I’m not saying women are these innocent little creatures, but let’s be real… beating a woman and defending yourself, do they go hand in hand???
I still don’t understand how a woman can hit a man and think he’s suppose to just walk away. I mean if she just hit him with her fist then maybe. But she he hit this dude with a hard a$$ cell phone probably in the head. Come on! Man I would think about even hittin my mama if she did some mess like that. He still wrong for pleading self defense cause that only works when yo life is in danger. His life wasn’t in danger and if he had hit her just one time, I would chalk it up as an emotional reaction to an extreme situation. But he beat her down like she stole something. That’s where he messed up.
Exactly Havven… if he had hit her we would have said it was his quick reflexes… but the fact that he BEAT her… and I’m going by the photo that was released, that fact is troubling.
I’m a female and I agree with Havven as well. I have a son and I tell him all of the time, try to walk away, if she comes at you again, push her down and that gives you time to walk away. He was wrong, hopefully he learned from this and we won’t hear about this again.
Amen to Havven….See where i’m from I’ve seen women capable of beating men up and using everything from bats to frying pans to get the job done. I was always taught that if a woman is threatening your life or in a position to hurt you then you do what ever you can to get out of that situation the fastest way you can even if that includes a swift punch or push to get away. But the beatdown he gave her is a FELONY…so young and so sad.
OK I don’t want to hit yall with the “I told you so” but I am I have been saying from the beginning that he was wrong and Rihanna needed some kind of blame in this. Yes, he was wrong for beatin her ass like that but yet and still she was wrong as hell too. Not defending him but again my question is what if her hitting him and throwing cell phones at him caused them to kill an innocent person or one of them, how would this thing be playing out? Again he was wrong for beatin her ass like that but where does her blame in all this come in? And yes he can claim self defense because his life, her life, and anybody that was in that vacinity’s life was in danger because she went balistic on him while he was driving, think about it.
if thats the case then he should be able to charge her with assault too…but he won’t.