
Posted April 6, 2008 by JohnJohn

Oprah’s been catching a lot of heat for her comments about the “path to God” and her new-age teachings….do you think she denounces Christianity in this video or are people over analyzing this way too much.


  1. Rachel's comment says

    On April 7, 2008 at 6:17 am

    I think people are over analyzing her. I don’t think God is that critical. The people that sit around and think they are so right with God and all they do is judge other people don’t have a clue whats coming to them. God has an open mind and I think he wants us to have an open mind as well.

  2. AD's comment says

    On April 7, 2008 at 6:22 am

    I guess the reality of it is that it doesn’t really matter to those who are strong and committed in their faith. The problem is for those who lack the necessary self control over their own convictions and just follow everything Oprah does. There are a lot of women who are impressionable like that, especially her younger african american female fans. I think the worst thing she could have done was mix religion in with her show. There is a time and place for everything, and if Oprah doesn’t know it, there is a church on every corner in urban america with plenty of people willing to debate those topics. Just keep introducing famous people on your show and contributing to the Obama Campaign.

  3. CB's comment says

    On April 7, 2008 at 7:23 am

    Oprah has deep issues! She needs to know the Word before she tries debating it. Don’t get me started…

  4. Tunette's comment says

    On April 7, 2008 at 2:43 pm

    you know what? Over the years I’ve grown to dislike Oprah more and more. It’s inspiring as a child to see a black woman doing the same exact thing you want to do. It’s even more inspiring when that person is left-handed just like you and born on the same day as you… you think to yourself, “wow, maybe I’m destined for greatness too.” And then you wake up and you realize that that’s not it all. God created me on the same day as Oprah and with the same ambitions as her so I could be the new light to share God’s word because he knew that she was going fall off course. I’ll pray for Oprah and until I take her job, I’ll be working on strengthing my faith and doing what I need to do! But I must admit I was saddended to see that our promiment black leaders aren’t standing for what’s right. It’s cool to respect everyone’s beliefs, but stand firm on your own…

  5. Martha Wilson's comment says

    On April 7, 2008 at 4:47 pm

    I like Oprah. I don’t necessarily watch her show or agree with her views, but I love that she made something out of nothing. And as for “God” or the concept of God…. that is just a touchy subject to begin with. Most people get offended no matter what is said. But I do believe that once you die, there is a case by case basis with the man upstairs. God knows exactly what has happened and so he’ll know exactly what made your faith go one way or the other…. but if you’ve lived an honest, loving, faithful life than why wouldn’t you be given the same or more “forgiveness and everlasting life” than someone who mimics the faith of Jesus. You know, someone who CHOOSES to live a lie and goes to church or worse teaches the little impressionable children that they are following God- when they actually aren’t themselves. To me, that is worse.
    Bottom line- Oprah is not the anti-christ. She just believes that knowing/reciting the name “Jesus” is not the ONLY clear cut ticket into the pearly gates.

  6. Eve's comment says

    On April 7, 2008 at 6:24 pm

    Well everyone’s going to believe and feel as they wish… but I do think that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to heaven. In the bible, John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
    So we don’t have to rely on Oprah’s opinions and not even my own, that’s what the good book says!

  7. Teuila's comment says

    On April 14, 2008 at 12:31 pm

    My suggestion to the readers of JohnJohnSaidIt is to discuss what Oprah was saying (not just what you believe) which is and I generally quote “…There are people in the world who have never heard of Jesus Christ…How do you as a believer in Christ see them being judged?” The bible says that he is a just God and so I’ve wondered this too. What happens to those who died before they got a chance to hear the Gospel…and please, stop the typical response that I am a “blasphemer for even thinkin such a thing.”

  8. JohnJohn's comment says

    On April 14, 2008 at 4:05 pm

    Wow you guys are really into this one; and you’ve all made some good points.

    I gotta admit…Oprah spoke from her beliefs and she just can’t imagine God sending people who don’t know Jesus to hell even if they have a good heart.

    I just wonder if we would care this much if somebody else made those comments or is it that Oprah’s no longer a celebrity but also a spiritual leader………hmmmm.

  9. Optimistic...'s comment says

    On April 14, 2008 at 5:26 pm

    My advice for everyone on here is to read the book of John… ironic because we’re on JohnJohnsaidit.com, but I’m serious. Before answering this question I filled myself up with the word of Jesus Christ. I’ve asked him to give me the words to say to his children.
    Everyone will know of Jesus Christ… find someone and ask them if they’ve ever heard the name? That alone is enough, from there it’s everyone’s opportunity to learn about this Jesus or to continue on with their life. Those people who reject the word will go to hell. There’s only ONE way to heaven and it’s through Jesus. I’m sorry… God isn’t like humans, he doesn’t confuse us. He makes it very clear. In John 3:16, the greatest verse of them all, he tells it like it is. I’ve gone all over the world and everyone I’ve met has heard of the name Jesus Christ, they may not know the bible, but they do know the name. It’s just like people in every country knowing who Michael Jordan or Bruce Willis or some star is… it’s crazy but everywhere you go people know their names. Then it’s up to them to inquire more information about them. We need to stop pretending as if we live in a world like the biblical people did when there was no real form of communication. And even then people were hearing of that man named Jesus… with all of the resources people have it’s a copout to excuse them as “not knowing.” Something should be missing in everyone’s heart if they don’t know Jesus and I do believe Jesus will reveal himself to all who seek him! Oh and about Oprah, any time you’re in the lime light, the things you say mean more to some people. But I’d react the same way if I heard a group of students saying it. Oprah was wrong and that’s not opinion it’s fact… read the word!

  10. Rachel S's comment says

    On April 15, 2008 at 6:12 am

    As someone mentioned on here this should be about what Oprah said and not just what you believe. But I had to comment on what some others said. If someone says you have been all over this world and have never meet someone that did not hear the word Jesus Christ. I ask you… where have you been? I guess not everywhere if you think everyone has some form of communication. I have been to several thrid world countries and I will tell you I have meet people that have never heard of Jesus Christ, and esecially not jordan or willis. So what do you say to those poeple??
    Also John 3:16 states “God so LOVED the world..” You have to understand then what love is if your going to quote it, God states Love is patient….and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. God has an open mind unlike most of us.

  11. Rachel S's comment says

    On April 15, 2008 at 10:49 am

    Sorry JK (and anyone else who reads it) about the spelling in that last comment, I got a little ahead of my self typing…

  12. AD's comment says

    On April 15, 2008 at 1:53 pm

    That’s what I’m talking about. Fight for your right to freedom of speech and belief!!! I agree with Rachel on this one though. Optimistic you should go to those churches on the corner block of every urban neighborhood and battle it out with Oprah. Believe in yur heart, not on JohnJohnsaidit.com!

  13. JohnJohn's comment says

    On April 15, 2008 at 9:41 pm

    Rachel…don’t worry about the spelling; we both can’t live w/out spell check…lol…plus its spiritual warfare going on in here.

  14. JohnJohn's comment says

    On April 15, 2008 at 9:44 pm

    Oyea…can’t wait to hear Optimistic’s response because he or she seems to be passionate about the scripture and I feel a powerful rebuttal coming.

  15. Teuila's comment says

    On April 16, 2008 at 11:15 am

    You “gone all over the world” is irrelevant to the discussion which is, ‘What happens to those who died before they got a chance of knowing Christ?’ Your assumption that people have heard is still just an assumption. You acknowledge that there was a time when (”biblical people” as you call it) did not have the various forms of communication that exist today; so how did/does God judge them? Also, how does one inquire on someone they have no idea about? I ask these questions because we are human and don’t know everything until told/taught to us through reading, internet, hear-say, etc. So again, What happens to the souls who died before hearing the Gospel? I believe that God judges them justly.

  16. Teuila's comment says

    On April 16, 2008 at 11:23 am

    John: I don’t think Oprah brought heat to the question, she’s just catchin heat for being a celebrity who asked it on TV. The question was always asked, and your posting and website allow us (from different parts of the world) to discuss it. Thanks for that. Didn’t you ever wonder that too?

  17. Optimistic...'s comment says

    On April 18, 2008 at 12:53 pm

    Don’t talk about staying on subject then go off subject. As for those that don’t know well, well yea God will deal with them differently, but Oprah knows and the millions who watch her show know so there no excuses and I doubt that there’s ONE adult on earth who’s never heard of the name Jesus. I’m not saying they know the bible, but they’ve at least heard the name. And that’s our job as Christians to tell everybody about the name. So stop worrying about what will happen to them and teach them. That way, this convo won’t even matter. And that goes for all you “so-called” Christians who are too ignorant or afraid to stand up for what’s right.

  18. Tiffany's comment says

    On April 18, 2008 at 4:12 pm

    this is my first time on this site and whoever optimistic is she speaks words of truth! Teuila if you read your bible you wont have to wonder who he is because you will know…maybe you need to get right with christ yourself….and as far as oprah’s comment goes she better be glad that jesus is a just god!!!

  19. Montana's comment says

    On April 18, 2008 at 4:16 pm

    teuila, if you read your bible you would know what could happen to those people “who you say dont know”….so its obvious that you need to build your knowledge on the bible…because it states the facts not your opinion

  20. Optimistic's comment says

    On April 18, 2008 at 4:41 pm

    Well thank you Tiffany, I never meant to cause such fuss, but rather speak as God would have me to. As Christians that’s our job and it doesn’t matter if we’re on Johnjohnsaidit.com or in church, God is always around and he’s all through this website and any other one. He’s the creator of all things. And like I said from the beginning, I didn’t react this way because she’s “oprah” I did because she said somethings that were incorrect and if Christians don’t stand up for what’s right and then who will? That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less. Hopefully instead of trying to be right in our opinion, we care to be right with the word. And Montana you’re right, we just need to read the word.

  21. AD's comment says

    On April 18, 2008 at 6:18 pm

    Optimistic and Tiffany shut up already.. You two have gotten so caught up in proving yourselves that you both seem arrogant and pompous.. Both of you are “so-called” Christians… or at least I know one of ya’ll is. The way you two are telling people to learn the word is done without love or kindness. Nothing sells like sincere interest and neither one of you seem sincere. So you voiced your opinion or “truth” on johnjohnsaidit.com and do you really think you’re gonna get a positive response out of teuila the way you guys approached or “responded” to what she said. If you two are the example of God we’re supposed to follow then the first bus to hell is stopping at ya’lls house. Show yourself as “Godlike” if you really plan on “saving” somebody on johnjohnsaidit.com. that is the mission of a “so-called” christian aint it. Focus on meeting mission and remaining humble in your christianity. And if somebody’s askin tell em ADsaidit.

    p.s. and optimistic, the bible doesn’t say every adult has heard the name jesus, it says that every adult will hear the name jesus.. just wanted to help you in your quest for the truth.

  22. Tunette's comment says

    On April 18, 2008 at 7:20 pm

    Let’s put a stop to all of this. Everybody on here has picked and chosen things off topic and if they’ve been a bit on topic they only took pieces here and there. No one’s addressed the fact that Oprah said, “There can’t possibly be one way.” And that when the woman said the name Jesus, Oprah yelled out, “What about Jesus?” There is only one way and it’s just like the woman in the video said, Jesus cannot come back until THE Word has been preached everywhere. So that clears up all of the questions you all have been addressing. Everyone will know who Jesus is before he comes back and those people in the past who didn’t know, well God judged them by their hearts. But that doesn’t even matter because no one else will have that excuse, we’ll all know of him. Oprah sounds as though she was backed in a corner and as a result she stopped the debate she was getting herself into because of two things: 1. She doesn’t sound rooted in the word. 2. She was probably being convicted right on stage. I’m not taking anyone’s side, but I do think Oprah’s reaction, response, remarks, and comments were misleading and inaccurate. The best comment was made by Eve… she gave scripture… there’s only ONE way. How can you argue that?

  23. Teuila's comment says

    On April 19, 2008 at 6:24 am

    Tiffany: Wow…it’s not wrong to get angry, but it’s wrong when Christians are mad out of self-righteousness. Don’t judge my relationship with God…that’s for Him to judge. I am not here to pass judgment as you can see in my comments.
    Optimistic: First, I did not get off subject (read all my comments if you have too). Second, you said “As for those that don’t know well, well yea God will deal with them differently.” I know for sure that children go to heaven (Mark10:14, Matt19:14, & Luke18:16). But what do you mean differently?
    AD: Yeap, I was getting a similar vibe about them. I don’t know why they assume I never read the Bible. If they only knew.

  24. Eve's comment says

    On April 19, 2008 at 12:56 pm

    All of you sound very ignorant. the answer and the problem was in the video. Oprah asked what happens to those people who’ve never heard of Jesus and the woman said that Jesus wouldn’t come back to everyone had heard of him. So why continue on? It’s pointless to take shots at each other over a video that provided a question and answer. Oprah didn’t know something so she asked and the woman answered. What is the debate about? Everyone will know him. Let’s grow up and comment on John John’s newest posts.

  25. Teuila's comment says

    On April 20, 2008 at 9:51 am

    Hey, if you don’t want to join in on the conversation, then don’t. This is a great opportunity for people to discuss the faith as it is written, not debate it. Even though there is fuss in exchange of comments, these people (including myself) are free willingly (as God granted) passionate about Christ that’s why this is a fuming, enlightening, or/and flourishing exchange.
    I am not interested in Oprah; I am not here to debate either. Just like to know where the readers of JohnJohnSaidIt stand. But just so I am clear, what I hear don’t change where I stand.

  26. Teuila's comment says

    On April 20, 2008 at 4:40 pm

    Montana: I never said I don’t know Jesus. Read carefully.

  27. Eve's comment says

    On April 20, 2008 at 5:07 pm

    “Discuss” The discussion part of this went out the door after AD told a couple of people to shut up. And when you guys started calling people out and being rude. It’s great to discuss this topic, it’s a hot topic and I’m sure God is up there somewhere glad that we’re including him in on this website, but let’s discuss it as civilized adults unless there are some younger people on here and in that event let’s just discuss it in a respectful manner. Either way, discuss on my sisters and brothers!

  28. Sunnee's comment says

    On April 20, 2008 at 8:49 pm

    Oprah, Oprah, Oprah? She is like so many people who are more comfortable thinking that they can do as they wish and all in the universe is well. Can you say delusional? People want to stick with what is comfortable and she is no different. Do I think Oprah denounces Christianity? No, she does not she is just saying that she believes a common misconcepting that spirituality is just something people do like a passing trend that is in style one season and out the next. Just be spiritual and that is enough. NOT! She definitely can not be considered a Christian with having an “open mind” which really means lets not really think too hard on this subject cause it is too troubling. You either stand for the word or you do not. There is no gray! It is a black and white situation. The word tells us to choose you this day whom you will serve. It also says that wide is the way to destruction and narrow is the way to the kingdom of God. It also says that the only way to God is through His son Jesus. That is a Christian principle that can not and will not change because it is simply too troubling to contemplate. Take my advise it is better to believe and find out that there really is nothing at the end of the tunnle than to find out that you didn’t believe and find yourself suddenly very uncomfortable. I have heard it said that Hell is hottttttttttttttt. I don’t plan on finding out.

  29. Tunette's comment says

    On April 20, 2008 at 9:29 pm

    I had said what I had to say much earlier in the comments so I wasn’t going to speak anymore, but how can anyone read Sunnee’s post and not have something to say! Wow. I’m impressed with your response. I’ve searched my heart for the words to say and you just spit them out. Gone’ sis’… ‘-) I’m believing because I hate the San Antonio heat enough. Preach the word! And I’mma give you an AMEN on that comment…

  30. Teuila's comment says

    On April 21, 2008 at 9:54 pm

    So Sunnee, do you believe that those who have died without having heard of Jesus are in hell?

  31. chocolate kiss's comment says

    On April 22, 2008 at 9:34 am

    You know, what Oprah said is a little off the wall and I don’t agree with her not one bit. Should she have voiced her religious opinion with her audience; as a host NO, but as an individual why not. No matter who we are we all have some type of faith that we believe in; we have our religion. A Christian believes that Atheism is wrong and vice versa. A Chritian also frown upon Buddhism and Jews and they think we are crazy for believing in Jesus Christ. How can we forget about Scientology because Tom is always voicing it. What I am trying to say here is this: We all have our different religions and we are proud of who or what we believe in. When we are excited about something we voice it. Nobody in this world is perfect and all of us have said something that someone else do not agree with or just made them flat out disgusted, so before you go to criticizing Oprah’s stuid moment think about your stupid moment and what people were saying about you.

  32. Montana's comment says

    On April 28, 2008 at 10:28 am

    teuila you read carefully sweet heart i never said you didnt know jesus…jusyt because you know of him doesnt mean your right with him…

  33. Teuila's comment says

    On April 29, 2008 at 6:04 pm

    Montana: Oops I meant to address that to someone else…so I retract that statement. As for me being right with God, that’s between me and Him so don’t you worry about that. Anyway, about your post from April 18, are you saying you believe that those who have died without having heard of Jesus are in hell?

  34. Tulane's comment says

    On May 1, 2008 at 6:55 pm

    I am praying that these words reach Oprah. The love that I have for God, makes me hurt to hear that she has not accepted Jesus as her Savior and all the good that she is doing is in vain. I can only hope and pray that she will come to faith in Jesus Christ before it is to late.

    To Oprah, with love from a Christian sister who deeply cares about your soul salvation. The Bible tells me that there is only One God, “God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.” It also tells me that Jesus is the only way. And those who do not accept Him will perish. So lets start here Oprah, if you believe the Bible, then you have to believe it from the beginning to end. There are no two ways about it. So if you believe the Bible, then you have no choice but to believe the scripture that says: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6. So again I reach out to you because when you stand before God on that judgement day I do not want Him to say: “But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 10:33. And remember, Romans 14:11 says: “For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” In closing, I say to you accept Him before it is too late.

  35. montana's comment says

    On May 2, 2008 at 3:11 pm

    teuila it seems to me that your concious may be bothering you and i quote”just because you know him does not mean you are right with him” now your name was not at the end of that statement anywhere,i was just commenting in general…hmmm…and as far as your question,just how it is wrote is what i meant…take it for what it is honey…no more no less…have a blessed day : )oh and on your slip up its all good dont worry about it

  36. Teuila's comment says

    On May 4, 2008 at 11:08 am

    Montana: oooookay…you’re funny. There was a question at the end of my previous comment but I guess you’re focused on something else. bye now.

  37. montana's comment says

    On May 5, 2008 at 1:21 pm

    and i answered it…you did say back to your comment on april 18 right…..now anywhere in their did you see me say that those who dont know jesus are in hell?? did you?? so no i am not telling you that…but it seems your mind is made up..so no need to go back and forth with this..my work is done …..i just ask that the lord help your un belief!!

  38. Optimistic's comment says

    On May 5, 2008 at 5:16 pm

    I got something that’s going to silence the lambs (AD, Teuila, etc)
    For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
    Romans 1:20
    And I want you to comment!!! “Big ups to all God’s HATERS” “They know, they know”
    The problem is you guys underestimate his power, as though he can’t reach people in third world countries, etc… I don’t and if you do, then read that verse again and again and if you can’t remember it, paste to your foreheads!

  39. AD's comment says

    On May 5, 2008 at 7:11 pm

    Optimistic, stay in Romans sweetheart. You read Romans 3 and get an understanding that despite us being a “God Hater” as you called it (I don’t even know where you got that from), we are still equal to you in God eyes because NO ONE, to include Optimistic is without sin. Romans 3:20 also says “Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through law we become conscious of sin.” Its not about what you know about the word that puts you in line with God, Its your faith. (Romans 3:22-26) and ALL, to include Optimistic and Montana fall SHORT of the glory of God.

    You also need to read 1 Corinthians 6.. I’ll just write it so everyone can understand it, and this will be the last response I post to Oprah because “believers” or “christians” should not be battling or judging the law with “non-believers” or “God Haters” as you would call them. So here are the scriptures verbatim from the NIV starting at 1 Corinthians 6:1.. “If any of you hs a dispute with another, dare he take it before the ungodly for judgement instead of before the saints? Do you not know the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life. Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters appoint as judges even men of little account in the church! I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers? But instead, one brother goes to law against another - and this in front of unbelievers! The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong and you do this to your brothers.” I stopped at verse 8, but THE MESSAGE interpretation makes it even clearer for verse 7 saying, “These court cases are an ugly blot on your community. Wouldn’t it be far better to just take it, to let yourself be wronged and forget it? All you’re doing is providing fuel for more wrong, more injustice,bringing more hurt to the people of your own spiritual family.”

    Optimistic, nobody said they hated God, but your self-righteousness and pride as I told you before continues to make ALL you “so-called” christians look bad. You would be better off saying, “ok, i’ll feel cheated on this one if it will leave me room to glorify God further later.” You are defiling God and everything that he stands for in evry comment you make because it is not of God, I just showed you that. All “believers” need to take this response into consideration and Kill this issue.
    That’s it.

  40. Optimistic's comment says

    On May 5, 2008 at 7:24 pm

    thanks for printing us the entire NIV bible. Funny how you thought I was talking about you being God’s hater, when I never ONCE said you were. Guess, if the shoe fits wear it. I wasn’t calling anyone that, but I was saying Big ups to all His haters!
    And all that smack about judging people and all that, I don’t have time to do that God will. I’m just over here raising my kids right so they’ll know God and tell others. You should get off this site and go tell someone yourself. Seems like the people on here have heard of him, so gone ahead and take the NIV version to the streets or to those people that “don’t know him.”

  41. Teuila's comment says

    On May 5, 2008 at 8:08 pm

    Montana: I asked you to clarify and you didn’t. Read my 4/29 comment again. So if you want to clarify, please do; otherwise you’re right, there is no need or use to be going back and forth. If you don’t respond, take care and God Bless.

  42. montana's comment says

    On May 8, 2008 at 2:11 pm

    wow ad…..never once did i say that i have i said tht i am with out sin and that i dont fall short….so no need to throw me in your comment…im working on gettig my life right with god…lets hope your “practicing what you preach” and yes we are all the same in gods eyes as far as sin goes…well some sins god does look down on as far as hurting little children whether it be abuse,sexually,mentally and emotionally…and adultery..thats in his ten commandments…but like optimistic says “big ups to all gods haters”

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