
Posted April 17, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff

The “X-Files” TV series is one of my all-time favorite shows. I still record old episodes and watch them whenever I have time. Ok, that’s probably too much information and you’re probably wondering why I posted this article. Well, I’ve always wondered about extraterrestrial beings and their existence. Part of me always wanted to believe they exist. Ironically, the title of the new X-Files movie is “I Want to Believe”

So let’s assume that aliens are discovered today, “What would be the impact on our cultural makeup.” When you look at every culture around the world almost each one has a religious component to it and I would guess that most of them don’t account for aliens from other planets.

Would this debunk the “7 day theory” in the Book of Genesis? Would the church accept the aliens and try to convert them? I personally think Holy Hell would break loose and ET would probably be phoning home very soon because we, as humans, have a tendency to go to war with things we don’t understand.

Let me know what you think


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  1. Starchild's comment says

    On April 17, 2008 at 11:48 am

    That’s funny cause I thought I was the only undicover X Files lover. Listen people there are aliens. That’s what my gut tells me and I am a Christian. I don’t know what would happen except we would probably try to baptize those lil green men.

  2. AD's comment says

    On April 17, 2008 at 12:35 pm

    Starchild, you know good and damn well you aint trying to baptize no Alien! Baptize they a$$ with a bullet! The faster they die, the faster they get home, because Alienopolis has to be closer to heaven than earth… Just rambling, but to answer the question as to how it would impact our culture, ask the media. The American people as a whole have become too weak to make a decision on what is going to affect them, so the media will control their culture. Would it really make a difference what they believed in or accepted as their religious preference.. Maybe in the Middle East where Religion is Trump, but in America, there are already 313 religions currently practiced in the United States. Here’s proof:


    So if that many can be accepted, I don’t see why we would have a problem with theirs.

  3. Optimistic's comment says

    On April 18, 2008 at 1:05 pm

    I don’t know what I believe when it comes to Aliens. All I know is if there are such things as Aliens I want to be in heaven by the time they get here. And that’s all I’m gone say!!!

  4. Starchild's comment says

    On April 19, 2008 at 1:38 pm

    AD I’m not going to go off on this religion thing cause everybody seems to be killing it on the Oprah post but I really believe that if aliens exist then they are creatures of God so as long as they aren’t trying to hurt anybody then I would hope we would try to introduce them to God. But if they are dangerous then we gotta’ kill’em!

  5. Teuila's comment says

    On April 20, 2008 at 1:53 pm

    Let’s say that outer space aliens hear and understand the Gospel. I think their first question would be “Well Earthlings, which of 100s of denomination and non-denominations of Christianity should we join?”(In alien language of course). And how in the heck are we suppose explain that?
    As for the “7-Day theory”, outer space Aliens is too hypothetical for me to think about it.

  6. Martha Wilson's comment says

    On April 22, 2008 at 9:14 pm

    I think that if there were actually aliens, they’d be superiorly advanced that they’d be telling us about God and life and where WE got the message wrong. And honestly once they told us all of that…. we’d trap and exploite their technology and then kill em’.

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